Wednesday, 1 December 2010

WOYWW - 78 at least last week was no 77?

Another Wednesday and this one is the start of the Christmas Countdown.  My workdesk this week does not contain craft stuff.  If however you would like to know how to make this:

then take a look at the previous link.  If you would like to have this mini book then you just need to leave a comment and check back here next WOYWW -79.  Thank you to the 3 people who have looked in and hello (wave) to my 2 new followers, if you just looked and didn't leave a commnet then that is grand to.  Need more desks check out the link on the right.  If you have turned up here randomly you can ignore the rest for those of you who drop by regularly it's got worse.

I know a number of people who factor in Karma, the thing is if all this crap is happening to us then does that mean we deserve it?  We had to have the police out twice this weekend.  The 1st was a public order offense number 4.  The '__________' (insert suitable expletive) responsible should be arrested at some point this week, I'm afraid I have little faith in many things at the moment so it means very little to me.  I was verbally abused on my way out of my flat and into the street words beginning with F and C were used and I was repeatedly told I wasn't welcome, I'm lucky that T didn't pick up on it because he sure doesn't hear those words at home.  Having reported it all to the police on the Sunday at midday, we left to go to the supermarket to discover that both wing mirrors had been ripped from our car.  I can't tell my 2 year old son why it isn't ok to go back into his room once he has come out in the morning. Or why the piece of scum downstairs doesn't take our wheeley bin out then shouts abuse at one of us for having to take it out before 7 in the morning. Or why mummy is scared to leave the flat and if she does leave why she is frightened to go back. Or why mummy is crying a lot because he only knows crying is because you are hurt or because you can't get what you want and neither of those apply.  The police can do very little as there are never any witnesses. Whitefriars so far have chosen to do nothing, we have a meeting with them on Monday.  We are looking at the best way to try and rent out the flat so that we won't have to foot 2 lots of payments (one mortgage / one rental) because have no doubt this man wants us gone and if we just went (which I would dearly love to do) he would make sure no one else would move in. We have also sorted out a garage to lock the car in from Monday ( the car is called Humphrey and he is away being mended at the moment).  So what ever you believe in please give us a thought, I know there are people who have and will go through far worse, but my little universe is very important to me and at the moment the thing keeping me together is that it is just stuff and I've lost stuff before and that can be dealt with.  My worry is what happens if it changes from stuff to one of us because all the causes and triggers are not going away and can't so where does it end?


Lionelsa said...

I'm so sory to read that. Have luck! #81

Sue said...

Hi ya
aww im so sorry you are having so much trouble, it must be awful for you, i hope things soon get sorted out one way or another, hugs,have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (23)

Twiglet said...

Sending you my little rainbow full of good wishes. Hope you can get sorted out soon - that's a dreadful situation.

oneoff said...

Crafty Womble - I am so sorry that you are going through this; it's such a miserable situation. Sending you all kinds of good vibes for the meeting with Whitefriars, and for Humphrey's swift recovery.

I am wondering whether it might be helpful to go to your GP and explain how much this is affecting you? Might be good to have it on record... Also, can the police put in any recording gear to provide evidence?

Take care of yourselves, and your littl'un.

Annie said...

Bless you. That's dreadful. At least you are amongst friends here.
A x

Lizzybobs said...

Oh Hun sendingyou love and huge ((HUGS)) love Liz

Carmen said...

I am truly sorry to read that you are going through this :(

Are you keeping a diary of everything that's happening? At least that's something you can shove under the police's nose. Maybe set up a cheap cctv camera in a window overlooking the front? Is that allowed... or is it some stupid human rights thing that he can have a go at you but you can't film him having a go at you?

Definitely sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs your way x x x

donnalouiserodgers said...

Hey Babe,

The worst thing a violent person can do is make you wake up wishing you were not where you are, to rob you of yourself and your love and your hope, sapping you every moment you are awake and making it impossible to sleep.

do you want to endure this or do you want to walk away? both are valid options,

if you want to try to endure -one first step would be some security and I know some people in the business,

you are not alone and there are things you can legally do as well as engage with statutory organisations.

Be honest with your son - say it is NOT OKAY and that you cry because violence is to be abhored not tolerated (which in effect the sat orgs are doing by taking their sweet time addressing the violence) , but you are strong and will survive and MY OH MY what a Momma - message to child = violence does Not Win and actually no one can steal your soul that is yours to give away.

Can only tell you I tolerated similar for a relatively (to you) shorter time and it still took ages to:
a) get peace
b) recover
c) look at the scars and know i am healed.,

if it happens to me again I am running away - too tired to resist.

If you need a break to get sanity - in Uni term time we have a spare room. Do take breaks and keep perspective you Are Experiencing an Extreme Situation
PS money is replaceable all your unhappy times are not - if you can afford to Run Away....I'd run away

Anonymous said...

I hate people who make other folks lives an absolute misery for no other reason than they can. I would definitely be setting up some way to record/capture the abuse if it's safe to do so.

Sending hugs your way,
Brenda 90

oneoff said...

What lovely posts here - Wipso is so right that you are among friends. Carmen and Doone have made some brilliant points - food for thought.

Glad you are seeing victim support, and hope they are able to provide both comfort and practical help. I peeped at your location, and wondered if you had thought of trying the Law Centre? They offer housing advice, and might be able to help the housing association take things more seriously (it might take a while to get an appointment, though). I am not too far away from you, and if there's anything you want to ask about the practical advice side of things (this was on the fringes of my work when I had a "proper" job), I'll do my best to help. Let me know if you'd like a contact email addy.

Thinking of you, and wishing you peace. B

jude said...

Hun ,
im so sorry to read this you shouldnt have to live liek this?scared to go out your home in fear of those louts saying or doing something.Are ther no cameras around.I do hope on Monday when you have the meeting you get some news whihc will help you get out of this situation.Please keep pestering the police for every little thing.Can i suggest you contact your MP they are there to help !!!we did this when girls being bullied at school and school didnt f all to sort .So pleasez worth a try they may beabloe to help with the police in sorting something.
Good luck thinking of you with fingers crossed for a happy safe life!
love n hugs judex

Zue said...

What a dreadful situation. You have been given good advice so I also would say, keep a record and try to set up a camera. Some councils lend out cameras to see if rats are invading houses, so I should think you could be given a camera on loan until these people are identified.
Thinking of you
Sue xx 78

Angie said...

I am so sorry that you are going through all this ...I think Carmens advice is good re the diary ...if you keep going to the police over every little incident, they will not take you seriously sadly but every so often when it is bad you can take the diary as back up ...dont forget to photograph the damage. I cant imagine how you feel or how you cope but my thoughts are with you
Hugs Angie xx

airing cupboard crafts said...

Oh Hun I am so sorry you have had to go through this. Sometimes there is no justice in this world. It's not fair. Sending you hugs xx

Have become a follower too.

Laura xx 83

airing cupboard crafts said...

The follower box won't come up sorry hun x

Serendipity Stamping said...

I am so sorry to hear of this problem. I don't know the whole story, but the safest thing for your family, whether you can afford it or not, is to find some place to go until the problem is solved. Please leave before something bad happens. You are going to have to take yourselves out of the situation. The law moves so slowly!! Don't consider it a loss, but a win on your part in order to safe guard against the idiot(s). I worked in law enforcement environment for several years. #15

Nicky said...

So sorry to hear things are worsening - good advice from people on hear sorry have nothing to add just that I will be thinking of you and your family and hope the meeting goes well on Monday (((( Hugs )))))

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Here I am trying to catch up after missing so much last week. I'm so sorry to read about your problems. Violence is NEVER OK. It's hard to accept it, and your son should probably be taught that at an early age. (#3).

JoZart Designs said...

You've already had the best of advice so I'll just add that I'm thinking of you. I hope the situation resolves ASAP and I hope the person causing all this trauma gets what he deserves.
Lv JoZarty x